Robin Liu Wins DAAD Study Scholarship to Germany

Robin Liu completed a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (Global Business) and a minor in German from USC in 2016.  Following graduation, she received a Fulbright Research grant to Germany to study the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

As a 2017-2018 DAAD Study Scholarship recipient, Robin is extending her studies in Germany for another year.  Robin explains her plans: “My current research would amount to a publication that seeks to identify the ways in which German interest groups pressure domestic governmental actors to address, and in some cases amend, highly debated concerns related to passing TTIP. My project will examine if and how domestic interest groups can affect the stances that trade negotiators bring to the international bargaining table. Moreover, I want to test how recent events, such as BREXIT and the growing populist movement in Germany, could have given more momentum to TTIP opposition forces. Continuing my study at FU would allow me to understand how the current opposition to TTIP will likely affect the agenda of future EU-U.S. bilateral FTAs.”

Please review the German Academic Exchange Servce (DAAD) website for scholarship opportunities in Germany including the DAAD Research Grants.