Monday, October 29
Research and Fellowships 101 – 11:00-11:50am
Target Audience: Undergraduates
What is research? What is a fellowship? This presentation will offer an introduction to undergraduate research at USC and explain how research experience can be an asset when applying for competitive fellowships such as the Rhodes Scholarship and Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
Fellowships for PhD Students in Health Fields – 12:00-12:50pm
*Location: HSC Norris Medical Library, West Conference Room*
Target Audience: PhDs
A panel of funded PhDs will discuss opportunities and tips, especially for students interested in the NIH NRSA F31 fellowships.
Scholarship Opportunities in Germany – 1:00-1:50pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters, PhDs
Germany offers more funding than any other country for study, research, English teaching and internships. Programs discussed will include: CBYX, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). German language proficiency is not always a requirement.
DAAD_Presentation_Spring 2019
TSS Faculty & Deans Tea – 3:00-5:00pm *by invitation only*
*Location: TCC 450 Forum*
Target Audience: Undergraduates
In partnership with Trojan Scholars Society (TSS), the official USC student association for merit scholars, AHF is hosting the Faculty and Deans Tea to kick off Research & Fellowships Week. This event will provide students with the opportunity to connect with deans and faculty in a social environment. For questions, contact AHF at
Tuesday, October 30
Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs – 12:00-12:50pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters and Recent Alumni
One of the highest-rated leadership programs in the country, the Coro Fellows Program is a nine-month, full-time fellowship that prepares young professionals for effective leadership in all areas of civic life. Through five individualized placements across all sectors of industry, Fellows gain valuable work experience in government, labor, business, nonprofits, and electoral politics. Coro Fellows develop the critical skills necessary to engage and empower communities, and master the art of collaborative problem solving.
Fellowships for International PhD Students – 1:00-1:50pm
Target Audience: International PhDs
Staff from the Graduate School will discuss internal and external funding available to international PhD students.
USC Advanced PhD Fellowships – 2:00-2:50pm
Target Audience: PhDs
The USC Graduate School will discuss competitively awarded fellowships for students who have successfully completed the first year of their PhD program.
Wednesday, October 31
Faculty Mentor Workshop – 12:00-12:50pm *by invitation only*
Target Audience: Faculty mentoring undergraduates
This round table workshop will inform faculty participants about fellowship opportunities, address how to identify and mentor strong applicants, and explain how Academic Honors and Fellowships partners with faculty to support students in the application process. For questions, contact AHF at
Boren Awards – 1:00-1:50pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters, PhDs
Boren Awards provide funding for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students studying critical need languages outside of Western Europe. In exchange for funding, recipients commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. *U.S. citizenship required*
Thursday, November 1
Summer Opportunities Fair – 11:00am-12:30pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates
Come explore short-term study, research, internship and language study opportunities available within the U.S. and abroad during the summer months. Campus partners included:
- USC Africa Student Fund
- Dornsife Faculty-Led Short-Term Maymester, Problems Without Passports and Departmental Summer Programs
- Critical Language Scholarship
- Fulbright US-UK Summer Institutes
- Gilman Scholarship
- Global East Asia Summer Programs
- Global Fellows Internship Program
- Dornsife Gateway Internship Program
- Schaeffer Fellows in Government Service
- SURF/SHURE and SOAR Research Scholarships
- USC Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- USC Rose Hills Summer Research Fellowships
Focus on the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program – 1:00-1:50pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates and PhDs
The NSF GRFP recognizes outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.
Fellowships for PhD Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences – 2:00-2:50pm
Target Audience: PhDs
A panel of funded PhDs will discuss opportunities and tips, especially for students interested in the NIH NRSA F31 fellowships.
Research for a Successful Proposal with USC Libraries – 3:00-3:50pm
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters, PhDs
A panel of librarians will discuss best practices for contextualizing a proposal topic within a sound literature search, framing your research proposal using data and statistics, and managing a literature review using citation management tools.
Friday, November 2
Successful Grant Strategies for Graduate Research Fellowships – 10:00-10:50am
*Location: HNB 100*
Target Audience: PhD and Doctoral StudentsDr. Heidi Smith Parker, grant strategist at the University of Southern California, Dornsife School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences will provide tips for writing effective applications to support graduate study and research with a particular focus on NSF and NIH proposals.
Fulbright U.S. Student Program – 11:00-11:50am
*Location: HNB 100*
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters, PhDs
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides funding to carry out a research project, graduate study or teach English for an academic year in over 140 countries outside of the United States with the goal of mutual exchange. *U.S. citizenship required*
Fellowship Applicant Reception & Fellowship Friday – 12:00-1:30pm
*Location: HNB 107*
Target Audience: Undergraduates, Masters, PhDs
Join us for lunch to celebrate this year’s competitive fellowship applicants and their professional development journey. This is also an opportunity for future applicants to learn from those who have been through an application process, so bring a friend!