USC Sophomore, Sonali Seth, among only 50 students selected for first-ever “White House College Reporter Day”

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Sonali Seth, a USC sophomore double majoring in Political Science and Policy, Planning and Development, was selected as one of only 50 college students chosen from a national pool of applicants to attend the first-ever White House College Reporter DaySonali is currently the Editorial Director and an Opinion Columnist for the USC Daily Trojan which boasts an audience of  over 10,000 daily readers.  In her role, Sonali manages more than fifty staff writers and fifteen artists. She is also Director of Political Content for the Political Student Assembly, a branch of USC’s Undergraduate Student Government.

This summer Sonali will serve as a USC Schaeffer Fellow, interning in Sacramento for California Assemblymemeber Reggie Jones-Sawyer whose district representation includes much of South Los Angeles, the LA Coliseum, the California Science Center, Natural History Musiem, and the University of Southern California.

Watch President Obama respond to Seth’s question about college affordability.

Sonali also stopped by the Department of the Treasury to interview Deputy Secretary Sarah Raskin about student loan debt.

Sonali Seth interviews Deputy Secretary Raskin