Academic Achievement Award

The Academic Achievement Award (AAA) provides a tuition benefit to students who are pursuing multiple undergraduate degree objectives, have at least 24 units completed at USC (12 units for transfers), and have earned a cumulative USC GPA of at least 3.750. AAA allows for fall and spring registration of up to 21 units at the standard full-time tuition rate.

The purpose of the award is to allow highly motivated students with excellent academic records to complete multiple undergraduate degree objectives without adding to their time-to-degree.


In order to receive the Academic Achievement Award, students must:

  1. Be an undergraduate student
  2. Have officially declared a double major, a double degree, or a major-minor combination
    • Multiple undergraduate degree objectives must be officially declared on STARS report at time of application. Progressive degrees are not eligible for funding.
  3. Have earned a cumulative USC GPA of at least 3.750
    • Eligibility is based on cumulative GPA and unit count at the time of application.
    • No eligibility exceptions are made for applicants below the 3.750 cumulative USC GPA minimum. USC GPA is calculated to the third decimal place and never rounded up or down.
  4. Have earned at least 24 units at USC (12 units for transfers), at the time of application
    • Units earned through AP or IB credit do NOT count towards the unit total. Only units earned through USC coursework is considered.
  5. Demonstrate that the additional tuition units will contribute to the completion of multiple undergraduate degree objectives
    • All enrolled courses must fulfill major, minor, or GE requirements. See Special Courses for exceptions.
    • Students must upload a current Academic Course Plan, developed and approved by their academic advisor to demonstrate feasibility of completing multiple degree objectives.
    • Students must be officially enrolled in all proposed courses at time of application. If enrollment requires special clearance, students can provide faculty or advisor documentation indicating their acceptance into the course.
    • Courses must be taken for Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass. Courses cannot be audited.
    • Applicants pursuing graduate level coursework must demonstrate the course can be applied to undergraduate degree requirements and must retain undergraduate status.
  6. Complete the online application

Dates & Deadlines

Application Timeline

Students will be notified of their award status based on the deadline by which they submit an application. Students should only apply for AAA once they have finalized their scheduled and enrolled in over 18 units and billed for additional tuition. Students may apply at any time before the final deadline at no disadvantage; all applicants will receive an equal chance for award consideration.

  • Note: Web Registration does not allow enrollment of over 20 units without prior authorization from an academic advisor. Students intending to enroll in 21+ units must contact their major advisor for clearance.

Students who apply by the Round 1 Deadline will be notified of their award status and have their student accounts credited before the January payment due date. Please note we will not review applications for students enrolled in 18 units or below. Students who are unable to fully complete their registration until the start of the Spring semester should wait to submit an application by the Round 2 Deadline.

Students applying by the Round 2 Deadline have two options: they may either pay the additional tuition fees upfront and, if approved, receive the AAA award as a reimbursement; or they can pay all standard tuition and fees, excluding the additional unit tuition, and wait for the AAA award to be applied. Final award notifications will be sent prior to the Add/Drop deadline, allowing students who are not approved to drop additional units if they wish to avoid incurring extra tuition fees.

[Spring 2025 Application Opens] Friday, November 1, 2024

[Round 1 Deadline] Sunday, December 15, 2024 (Notification of award status by Friday, December 20)*

[Round 2 Deadline – Final] Friday, January 24, 2025 (Notification of award status by Thursday, January 30)*

*Notification dates subject to change

Award Details

Application Periods

AAA is available for fall and spring funding only. Students must apply each semester for the award to ensure they continue to meet all eligibility requirements. Students must register in over 18 units before applying.

Disbursement of Funding

Students who apply by the first deadline will receive the funding in their account before the first installment payment is due. Students applying by the final deadline will have their award posted no later than the end of Week 4 in the given term. These students should expect to pay for their additional units upfront until a credit can be applied to their account.

Academic Achievement Award Application